The Saint Louis University Center for International and Comparative Law regularly hosts symposia and other programs focusing on relevant international and comparative law issues.
Many internationally known speakers at these events have also published articles in the Saint Louis University Law Journal.
The Center for International and Comparative Law and The Saint Louis University Law Journal present:
Contemporary Challenges in International Humanitarian Law: Is there Hope for the International
8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Friday, April 11, 2025
4 MO CLE credits pending
Keynote Speaker
Mary Ellen O’Connell, Robert & Marion Short Professor of Law, Professor of International Peace Studies—Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame
Other Speakers Include:
Christopher J Borgen, Professor of Law, Co-Director of the Center for International and Comparative Law,
St. John’s School of Law
Russell Buchan, Professor of International Law, University of Reading School of Law
Geoffrey Corn, George R. Killam Jr. Chair of Criminal Law; Director, Center for Military Law &
Policy, Texas Tech School of Law
Nathan Derejko, Assistant Professor; Mauro Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice, University
of Manitoba Law School
Major General Charles J. Dunlap, Jr. USAF (Ret.), Professor of the Practice of Law, Executive Director, Center on Law,
Ethics and National Security
Lindsay Freeman, Director, Technology, Law & Policy Human Rights Center, Berkeley Law School
Adi Gal, J.S.D. candidate, Yale Law School
Chris Jenks, Affiliate Research Professor of Law, SMU Dedman School of Law
Eric Talbot Jensen, Robert Barker Professor of Law, Bringham Young University School of Law
Asaf Lubin, Associate Professor of Law, Maurer School of Law – U of Indiana
Jessica Peake, Director, International and Comparative Law Program, Assistant Director, the Promise
Institute for Human Rights, UCLA Law School
Marco Roscini, Professor of International Law, University of Westminster School of Law
Leila Sadat, James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law, Special Adviser on Crimes Against
Humanity to the ICC Prosecutor, Washington University School of Law Saint Louis
Afonso Seixas-Nunes, SJ, Assistant Professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
Eytan Tepper, Director of the Space Governance Lab, Indiana University Program Director, Indiana
University’s new Space-Cyber Security Certificate Program, Indiana University Bloomington
School of Law
Jennifer Trahan, Clinical Professor, New York University Center for Global Affairs,
8:30 a.m.: Registration
9 a.m.: Welcome Remarks
Dean Twinette Johnson, dean and professor of law, Saint Louis University School of
Prof. Ira H. Trako, executive director and instructor of law, Center for International
and Comparative Law, Saint Louis University School of Law
9:15 a.m.: Welcome Remarks on The Contemporary Challenges in International Humanitarian
Law: Is there Hope for the International Order?
Fr. Afonso Seixas Nunes, S.J., assistant professor, Saint Louis University School
of Law
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.: Keynote: The First Principle of the Laws of war is the Prohibition
of Force
Mary Ellen O’Connell, Robert & Marion Short Professor of Law, Professor of International
Peace Studies—Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.: Break
10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.: Panel I Discussion and Q&A Session
12:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m..: Panel II Discussion and Q&A Session
1:00 p.m.: Concluding remarks
Fr. Afonso Seixas Nunes, S.J., assistant professor, Saint Louis University School
of Law
Recent Symposia
Friday, April 14, 2023
While Russia's invasion of Ukraine represents a serious challenge to the international legal order, its challenge to the use of force regime is particularly acute. This symposium brings together a wide range of scholars to assess the applicability and efficacy of the international legal framework regulating the use of force. Topics to be examined include just-war theory, the prohibition on the threat or use of force, exceptions to the use-of-force prohibition, the treatment of the non-use-of-force principle in judicial proceedings, and the role of non-State actors in the use of force regime.
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Steven Hill: executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and
Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
Kevin J. Heller: professor, University of Copenhagen - Centre for Military Studies
Other Speakers Included:
Afonso Seixas-Nunes, Saint Louis University School of Law
Professor Gina Heathcote, SOAS, University of London
Jean d’Aspremont, University of Manchester, UK; Sciences Po School of Law, France
Rebecca Mignot -Mahdavi, University of Manchester, UK
Nori Katagiri, Saint Louis University, Department of Political Science
Tom Dannenbaum, Fletcher School of Law, Tufts University
Katie Johnston, University of Liverpool School of Law (UK)
Russell Buchan, University of Sheffield, UK
Marco Roscini, University of Westminster, UK; Swiss IHL Chair - Geneva Academy of
International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Nick Tsagourias, University of Sheffield, UK
Daragh Murray, University of Queen Mary, London
Speaker and Panel Schedule:
Welcome by Dr. Monica Eppinger, associate professor; co-director, Center for International and Comparative Law, Saint Louis University School of Law
Welcome Remarks on The Legitimacy and Legality of War: From Philosophical Foundations to Emerging Problems by Fr. Afonso Seixas Nunes, S.J., assistant professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
Keynote: Russian Aggression: Jus ad Bellum and the Silence/ing of the Global South by Kevin J. Heller, professor, University of Copenhagen - Centre for Military Studies
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A Session
Kevin J. Heller, professor, University of Copenhagen, Centre for Military Studies
Dr. Steven Hill, executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and
Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
Nick Tsagourias, professor, University of Sheffield, UK
Gina Heathcote, professor, SOAS, University of London
Daragh Murray, lecturer, University of Queen Mary, London
Dr. Rebecca Mignot -Mahdavi, lecturer, University of Manchester, UK
Afonso Seixas-Nunes, assistant professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
Keynote: International Efforts to Collect Evidence Related to Russia's Aggression Against Ukraine by Dr. Steven Hill, executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A Session
Dr. Steven Hill, executive secretary, The International Institute for Justice and
Rule of Law; former chief legal advisor, NATO
Kevin J. Heller, professor, University of Copenhagen, Centre for Military Studies
Jean d’Aspremont, professor, University of Manchester, UK; Sciences Po School of Law,
Marco Roscini, professor, University of Westminster, UK; Swiss IHL Chair - Geneva
Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Tom Dannenbaum, associate Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Katie Johnston, lecturer, University of Liverpool School of Law, UK
Dr. Russell Buchan, senior lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
Nori Katagiri, associate Professor, Saint Louis University, Department of Political
Concluding Remarks by Dr. Russell Buchan, senior lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
Friday, Feb. 12, 2021 | Zoom
The avenues for misinformation (the dissemination of inaccurate content, irrespective of intent) and disinformation (the deliberate spread of inaccurate information to mislead others) have increased dramatically in both online and offline environments in recent years. This symposium seeks to map out the heterogeneity of misinformation and disinformation, particularly its salience in the legal and regulatory space, as well as possible solutions to ongoing manifestations of mis/disinformation.
View the Recording
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Introduction: Dean William P. Johnson, Saint Louis University School of Law
Panel 1: Mis/Disinformation Across the World: A Comparative Overview of Mis/Disinformation
in Singapore, Italy, and in Islamic Law Jurisdictions
Moderator: Prof. Monica Eppinger
- Ang Peng Hwa, professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Maria Luce Mariniello, attorney, Agcom, Italy
- Mahsa Alimardani and Mona Elswah, Ph.D. researchers, Oxford Internet Institute, U.K.
Panel 2: Regulating Mis/Disinformation: On-the-ground Approaches to Counter Mis/Disinformation
Moderator: Prof. Molly Walker Wilson
- Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public
Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
- Lisa Kaplan, founder, Alethea Group
- John Cook, research assistant professor at the Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University
Keynote: A conversation with Meredith Berger, senior manager, Microsoft, Defending Democracy Program
Panel 3: The Next Frontiers in the Regulation of Mis/Disinformation: Online Platforms,
Artificial Intelligence, and Financial Markets
Moderator: Prof. Carol Needham
- Thomas Kadri, assistant professor, University of Georgia School of Law
- Sara Gerke, research fellow in medicine, artificial intelligence and law, Petrie-Flom
Center, Harvard Law School
- Shimon Kogan, visiting finance professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
Friday, March 29, 2019 | John K. Pruellage Courtroom
Brexit, hybrid war, wall campaigns, mass migration, climate change: In the present
political moment, some of our perennial demands on internationalism — its management
of the passions of nationalism and logics of sovereignty — have become acute tests
of its potential and limitations. At this time of breakdown and opportunity, our spring
2019 Symposium addresses a vital question: can internationalism meet contemporary
Keynote: Sovereignty Remade: How the "Internationalists" Transformed the International
Legal Order
Oona A. Hathaway, the Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International
Law and Counselor to the Dean, Yale Law School; Professor of Law and Director, Center
for Global Challenges, Yale Law School
Panel 1: States, Sovereignty, and the International Legal Order
- Hybrid Sovereignty in Russian Foreign Policy
Igor Gretskiy, associate professor, School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia - The Psychological Concept of Sovereignty: A Ukrainian Perspective
Oleksandr Merezhko, professor and chair of law, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine - The Paradox of International Sovereignty at the European Court of Human Rights
Jessica R. Greenberg, associate professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Panel 2: New International Actors, New Challenges to Sovereignty
- Refugee Extractivism: Law and Mining a Human Commodity in the Republic of Nauru
Julia Morris, postdoctoral fellow, Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, The New School for Social Research - Internationalism and Sovereignty in the World of Charitable Foundations
Sara Sievers, associate dean for policy and practice; associate professor of practice, Keough School of International Affairs, University of Notre Dame - Internationalism and the Structure of Global Health Security
Sam F. Halabi, associate professor; director, Center for Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship, University of Missouri School of Law
Friday, March 31, 2017 | John K. Pruellage Courtroom
Co-sponsored by the Saint Louis University Law Journal
As ever-growing numbers of individuals seek economic and political refuge in Europe and North America, and as increasing numbers of individuals and businesses seek refuge from the tax burdens of their home jurisdictions in lower tax jurisdictions, the resulting immigration and emigration strain the national economies of affected countries causing them to modify their taxation rules and structures. This conference explored the effects of taxation on migration and the effects of migration on taxation.
Opening Remarks
William P. Johnson, dean, Saint Louis University School of Law
Panel 1: Migrant Tax Plight, Human Rights, Hidden Wealth
- Claire LaFont, student, Saint Louis University School of Law
- Cristina Trenta, associate professor of tax law, Örebro University
- Khrista Johnson, associate professor, Pepperdine University School of Law
- Heather Field, professor of law and Eucalyptus Foundation Chair, University of California-Hastings College of the Law
Panel 2: Combating Expatriation
- Allison Christians, associate professor and H. Heward Stikeman Chair in Tax Law, McGill University
- Matthew Lister, visiting assistant professor of legal studies and business ethics, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
- William Thomas Worster, lecturer of international law, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Panel 3: Tax System Design and Migration
- Montano Cabezas, graduate tax scholar, Georgetown University
- Leila Adim, Department of Tax and Financial Law, Universitat de Barcelona
- Genevieve Tokic, assistant professor, Northern Illinois College of Law
- Henry Ordower, professor, Saint Louis University School of Law
Panel 4: Corporate Expatriation
- Diane Ring, professor of law and the Dr. Thomas F. Carney Distinguished Scholar, Boston College Law School
- Lukas Moravec and Jan Rohan, Department of Business and Finance, Faculty of Management and Economics, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague
- Ashrita Prasad Kotha, assistant professor and assistant director of the Centre for Comparative International Taxation Studies, Jindal Global Law School
- David Elkins, professor of law, Netanya College School of Law
Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 | John K. Pruellage Courtroom
Co-sponsored by the Saint Louis University Law Journal
Human trafficking has been called “the modern-day slavery.” Trafficking victims are forced to have sex or to work long hours against their will, often in dangerous situations and facing threats of violence or deportation. Many times the victims of trafficking do not see themselves as victims or are afraid to speak out, fearing that they might be prosecuted. This symposium focused on the role of the victim in combating human trafficking. Two panels focused on finding and working with victims in prosecuting trafficking, and two major talks highlighted global trends in human trafficking.
Opening Keynote: Human Trafficking: Law and Current Trends
John Richmond, special litigation counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Human
Trafficking Prosecution Unit
Panel 1: Working With, and Helping, the Victims of Human Trafficking
- Alexandra Levy, attorney, Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center
- Derek Stigerts, FBI, Innocence Lost Task Force
- Monica Stump, AUSA, Southern District of Illinois
Panel 2: Perspectives on Human Trafficking
- Cynthia Cordes, partner, Husch Blackwell; director, Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Clinic
- Eric Ha, general counsel, International Justice Mission
- Miguel Keberlein, director, Immigrants and Workers’ Rights Practice Group
- Elizabeth Campbell, clinical assistant professor of law, Human Trafficking Clinic, University of Michigan Law School
Lunch Keynote: Human Trafficking as Modern Day Slavery – Implications of a Label
Mary Leary, professor, Catholic University, Columbus School of Law